Wednesday, September 17, 2014

NIADA Conference 2014

The NIADA Conference was held at the Bohemian Hotel in Celebration Florida this year.

I arrived just in time for Gallery Night.

Ankie Daanen

Chomick and Meder

Cindee Moyer

Deborah Pope

Diana Crosby

Diane Keeler

Donna May Robinson

Heather Maciak

Ima Naroditskaya

Judith Condon

Karin Otto-Burfict

Kate Church

Lesley Keeble

Leslie Molen

Marlaine Verhelst

Neva Waldt

Nina Tugarina

Pat Lillich

Reina Mia Brill

Sandra Oglesby

Shelley Thornton

Stephanie Blythe

Susan Fosnot

Susan Scogin

Tanya Marriott

Tatiana Baeva

Tine Kamerbeek

Vitaliya Soyka

It's such a treat to see these beautiful dolls in person!  I highly recommend attending the conference if you can.  Next year:  Portland, Oregon.