Friday, August 10, 2012

Something a Little Bit Different

And now, for something a little bit different…….
Some time ago I made some cloth forms of torsos without heads or arms, like ancient statues.  I intended to cover them with silk fusion but they ended up in the UFO (unfinished objects) bin for years until I remembered them recently and brought them out.


Bequest:  Something handed down or passed on.  A legacy.  Something imparted, bestowed or willed.

Made with silk fusion, shell, beads.
The shell is the part of an animal that endures long after its life;
placed in the area of the womb it signifies the enduring gift of Life.


Dwelling:  A place of shelter; abode.  The feminine aspect of God: the Holy Spirit, the God-Who-Dwells-Within.

Silk Tussah, Found Objects


Reminiscence:  Recalling the past; an impression retained

Silk Tussah, Sequins, Copper Mesh, Merino Wool

Silk fusion is such a joy for me to work with.  I can’t stay away from it too long.  I have two more of these forms waiting to be covered.