Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Great News!

I just found out my pieces were accepted to two shows I entered.  "Forest Canticle" will be at the Houston Area Fiber Artists "Focus on Fiber" show at 18 Hands Gallery, Opening Reception September 18, 2010 6-9 PM
Forest Canticle

And "Ripe Plums Are Falling" will be at the "Material Matrix" show at M2 Gallery, Opening Reception October 23, 7-9 PM

Ripe Plums Are Fallling

Saturday, August 14, 2010

A Fond Farewell

Last weekend we moved Christina into her new apartment at college.  Before she left we had a farewell dinner with some of her favorite foods.

Smoked salmon rosettes, tomatoes with mozzarella and basil, salami and prosciutto, parmesan and provolone,various olives, salmon pate, crackers and bread, figs, melon, grapes, raspberries, and some purchased individual desserts.  We Bodins love finger food!
The Cooks

Here's Christina in her new apartment.  Being the gourmet cook that she is, she is going to love her new kitchen.

Friday, August 6, 2010

Dolls Now reception

Last night was the reception for TAODA's Dolls Now! at the Houston Center for Contemporary Craft.

There were over 100 guests present, including my wonderful family. :)

Me and Bob

My beautiful daughters, Rosie and Christina

One of our artists Gwynne Ross brought these cookies to the reception with the TAODA logo on them.  Aren't they great? :)